TYCA-Midwest Needs You!
The TYCA-MW seeking nominations for new executive board members and members of the elections committee! Serving on the TYCA-MW Board is rewarding and fun. The board helps to plan the annual conference, recruit new members, and advocates for English teachers at the national conference.
If you know someone who might be interested in serving, please pass this information along, or send his or her email address to one of the board members listed above.
Executive Board Positions (2)
Candidates will run for one of two open positions on the board at the annual conference in October. Candidates are elected to the board and then the various positions (Chair, Vice Chair, Site Coordinator, Treasurer, and Membership Chair) are decided at the Saturday meeting following the conference.
Board members are expected to meet twice a year. Members meet during the fall at the Thursday Board meeting, before the conference, and also during the conference. Members also meet in spring, but if funding is an issue, he or she can attend via video conference.
Elected board members need to be teaching in a two-year college and a current member of TYCA-MW. Interested candidates can register on the TYCA-MW website ($20 for full-time, $5 for adjunct.)
Elections Committee (1)
Members of the elections committee work in a small group to recruit candidates for open positions on the executive board and run the voting and election at the fall conference. Elections committee members are encouraged to attend Executive Committee board meetings in the spring and fall, but these are not required.
If you are interested in running for any of the positions listed above, send your name and a 250-word biographical statement to a member of the nominations committee.
Lauren Rice
Ella Davis,
The biographical statement should include current school, position, past involvement in TYCA or other professional organizations, the reason for wanting to serve on the executive board, research interests, other professional accomplishments, or other experiences or skills that would be valuable to the board.