TYCA-MW Conferences
The Next TYCA-MW Conference!
TYCA-MW19 is in Akron, OH! ^^^Copyright 2018 Corey Cargill. +++ The CFP Deadline has been extended to May 31! *Update: Acceptances are going out June 24, 2019; since there may have been some issues with the proposal submission site, if you submitted a proposal and don't hear back, please email the … The conference promises to be an exciting event for educators and scholars in the field. For those looking to enhance their submissions, best custom writing services can provide tailored support to ensure high-quality proposals and papers. Read more...
TYCA-MW Members’ Achievements
Please send your achievements to Sybil Priebe: [email protected] ILLINOIS: INDIANA: IOWA: Ann Stewart McBee had a poem published in Grist. KANSAS: MANITOBA: MICHIGAN: MINNESOTA: MISSOURI: NEBRASKA: NORTH DAKOTA: Sybil Priebe and her colleagues at NDSCS, Dana … Read More...
How Do I Join TYCA-MW?

Anyone interested in the teaching of English during the first two college years, all persons engaged in the teaching or administration of English courses at any two-year college, and all others interested in such teaching are eligible to join TYCA. … Read More...
Read the Latest on our Blog
Reflecting on Indy…
It’s hard to believe that the 2018 TYCA Midwest conference is over, and we are looking forward to the 2019 Akron conference. It wasn’t that long ago that I was sitting at my first TYCA meeting as the Indiana representative. When I mentioned Ivy Tech Community College, everyone around the table clapped and chanted. I […]
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Hey TYCA Midwest, I’m Sarah Z Johnson, your new Chair, and I’m excited to be one of the people steering this ship for a while. I want to start by congratulating Renee Rule and her entire team at Ivy Tech. Our conference last October in Indianapolis was amazing—research that challenged my assumptions, colleagues that encouraged […]

Conference Session Preview–Quality Assurance
Curious about which session to attend this fall…here’s a teaser… Jenny Pecora-Kettley, Linsey Cuti, and Trisha Dandurand, Kankakee Community College “Going Out on a Limb: Increasing Hybrid Offerings while Ensuring Quality” Learn about what the Humanities & Social Sciences division at Kankakee Community College has been working on to increase the number of hybrid course […]

Conference Session Preview–Global Perspectives
Curious about which session to attend this fall…here’s a teaser… Brian Lewis, Century College “Teaching on the Edge Overseas: How Does It Apply to Our Students?” In this session, I will present my experiences teaching and lecturing at overseas universities and then describe how what I learned may apply to the community college English classroom. […]
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