The Midwest Messenger is the regional publication for TYCA Midwest. Over the years, the Messenger has morphed from a paper newsletter that members received in the mail, to an electronic file that was emailed to the membership, and now the publication is in Blog form! TYCA Midwest members can email the editor their submissions for official posting. And, within this format, anyone who visits the website can comment, discuss, add to, etc., thus making this area a place for interaction and inspiration all year long.
The types of information for which we are looking from the general membership are listed here:
“TYCA Midwest Conferences” (a place for host reflections, session summaries from presenters or attendees)
“What Works for Me” (teaching tips, assignment ideas, best practices)
“Scholarship” (updates on interesting things people are doing in our field)
“Good Reads” (book recommendations)
“Adjunctified” (adjunct-specific issues are welcomed here)
“Office Hours” (this section allows for English-related pontification 😉 really, ‘anything goes’ here!)
“Oh No You Di’int!” (a column highlighting complaints at various colleges)
“Students Speak” (student voices included here–faculty can ask their classes a question…big or small…and send me student responses to get their perspectives heard)
As the editor, I truly have enjoyed watching the Messenger transform. I’m excited about how this new format has allowed us to interact so far, and I hope you all embrace it, use it, gain from it, and love it! TYCA members are one-of-a-kind folks, and I’m continually in awe of your dedication to being the best at what you do.
Please continue to use this new way to keep in touch in between conferences!

Contribute ideas to editor Jen Richrath!
Jen 😉
Be heard! Are you interested in contributing to the Midwest Messenger?
Send submissions to:
Jen Richrath, Midwest Messenger Editor
[email protected]
From the University of Wisconsin-Rock County: I’m bragging about my student, Samantha Babcock, who won a number of awards at the Sigma Tau Delta/Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society convention in Albuquerque this past weekend: the Dr. William C. Johnson Sigma Tau Delta Transfer Scholarship, the Dr. Don Perkins Service Scholarship, and first place in the poetry competition!
For more information about Sigma Kappa Delta, the English honor society for two-year institutions, visit