Interested in adding your two cents? The topic for the TYCA to You column in the December 2015 issue of TETYC will look at how our teaching practices change over time: How has your teaching changed from when you were a newbie to now? As younger teachers enter the field, what advice do you give […]
TYCA to You–Success!
Interested in adding your two cents? The topic for the TYCA to You column in the September issue of TETYC looks at teaching success stories: No matter how small, share a success story from one or more of your classes. Please share your experiences with Suzanne Labadie for possible incorporation into the next TYCA to […]
TYCA to You–Recharge
Interested in adding your two cents? The topic for the TYCA to You column in the May issue of TETYC is as follows: How do you recharge in the summer? What do you do to re-energize the “teacherly part” in you to be better? Please share your experiences with Suzanne Labadie for possible incorporation into […]
Meet the Board–Suzanne Labadie
Suzanne serves as the TYCA/NCTE Representative for the TYCA-MW Board. She teaches full-time at Oakland Community College in Royal Oak, Michigan. Her courses include Composition 1 and 2, Introduction to Literature, British Literature, and Shakespeare. Other professional interests include assessment, placement strategies, multimodal writing, and brain-based learning strategies. When not in the classroom or grading […]