The Midwest Messenger is the regional publication for TYCA Midwest. Over the years, the Messenger has morphed from a paper newsletter that members received in the mail, to an electronic file that was emailed to the membership, and now the publication is in Blog form! TYCA Midwest members can email the editor their submissions for […]
Office Hours–Proposal Writing Tips for First-Timers
Proposal Writing Tips for First-Timers by Michelle Byrne, University of Akron I wrote my first conference presentation proposal when I was first hired at my college. I had never heard of TYCA, never written a presentation proposal, was brand new to my college, and clueless. Fortunately, I had three outstanding colleagues who ignored all that […]
Scholarship–Call for Book Chapters: Approaches To Teaching LGBT Lit
Call for Book Chapters: Approaches to Teaching LGBT Literature at the Post-Secondary Level Contact: John Pruitt, University of Wisconsin-Rock County, [email protected] In 1995, George Haggerty and Bonnie Zimmerman’s landmark volume Professions of Desire: Lesbian and Gay Studies in Literature (MLA), followed by William Spurlin’s Lesbian and Gay Studies and the Teaching of English (NCTE, 2000), […]
TYCA to You–The Tenure Process
The next edition of TYCA to You for the September issue of TETYC will focus on two-year college practices surrounding tenure. In order to provide a full picture, our region’s national representative, Suzanne Labadie, seeks feedback from Midwest members on the following questions: What does the process to earn tenure on your campus look like? […]
Congratulations to Leslie!
2015 Nell Ann Pickett Award Winner For her outstanding dedication, service, and leadership, Leslie J. Roberts of Oakland Community College, Orchard Ridge Campus, Farmington Hills, Michigan, has been selected as the 2015 winner of the Nell Ann Pickett Service Award. This award honors an outstanding teacher who exemplifies creativity, sensitivity, and leadership. It is named […]